
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Fun with maps!

My 1st grade class had so much fun learning about maps and their special place on the map with the reading story this week.  We use the Houghton Mifflin reading series.  If you are familiar with our series, we read the story, Me on the Map, Theme5 Week 2.

One night as I was logged into Pinterest, it has become so addicting, I saw this amazing activity that went right along with our story.  You can find the directions at My Place in the World Project.  I did not have the maps printed out because I thought it would be cute to see how the kids would draw the state, country, etc.  We did one circle at a time, I had the students label, color, and then cut out the circle.  When we got to our town, I had the kids draw something that they liked or something that reminds them of the town.  As we got to the state, country, etc. I put a picture of each thing on the Promethean Board so they could see it as they drew it.  Let me say, their pictures were pretty hilarious.  I really believe that the kids had a better understanding of how big the world is after we did this project!  Click HERE for the circles to run on construction paper.             

We also discussed how to use a map and the compass rose.  The kids really enjoyed seeing a big map of the United States and practicing their directional skills.  I would point to a state that touched Illinois and asked what direction the state was.  Next I let the kids pick a state, point to it, and ask what state was north, east, south, or west of it.

Here are some pics...

My sample

Student projects

-Katie and Sarah

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